Tuesday 20 November 2018

Mimpi #055

So this one may be related to last post.... Heck... How this related ... I still didn't know... But who care..

Let's get started

I was told by my grandma... That I will be married to someone she knows... Son from her friends... I didn't know who they are.....

One day I was helping my grandma in her shop... Then this one handsome man stopped by... Let's call him K... K smiled at me and wavering asking me to go near him...

K introduced himself as my future brother in law... Oh gosh I was totally mesmerized by his looking... Suddenly he took out several envelopes... Seems like a love letter... ( There's got love shaped on the letter *_* )

Sososo... Before he left, he gave me rm50 and asked me to read all these letters and said that he hope that I can stay with him....

( What's concerns me... I am supposed to marry his brother... How am I going to stay with him???? )

I took the letters and money as well ( man... Money matters to me.. even in dreams)

I read all the letters... One letter is from that man whom im gonna marry... But others from K.... Isn't that suspicious.... Why?

mimpi #054

this one i think kinda related with the second one... i dont how but i do feels about it... i dont know this man much... just lets call him W... (not a real name... just giving an alphabet only)

dream 1

i was eating in this one restaurant with my family... we ate and suddenly someone sat infrots of my chair (in the same table)... i was shocked... why did u came here... but i tried to ignore maybe theres no empty chair...

but whats really concerns me is... he keeps on looking at me... and trying to say something... like approaching me... but man, i am eating right... no disturbing okay....hahahha just kidding

after a few minute... my family stood up and ready to leave the place... then, i stop eating but my brother insists me to continue eating... But how? He asked that W man to accompany me eating till finish... Watdehek... I didn't know who the man is... And somehow he just let the strangers to stay with me... Isn't that ridiculous????

In the next day, I was in my house..  then I saw this man again... He came and said something to my dad. Then everyone is smiling happily and I'm still confused whats going on....

Then I knew what de heck they were talking... They agreed to have him to marry me.... Hahahahaha

(P/s: I know right my dreams are totally lovely and a bit fantasy... Well maybe I am a dreamer., Hahahaha I love dream... I realised that my dream is lovely so I intends to keep all of it into my diaries or my blog)...

Actually till here just I remember...  How ridiculous this dream is.

mimpi #053

mimpi ni benanya lama dah... time dia ada kat umah lgi... so,,, aku mimpi pasal AB ... one day i bought full set of  Hada Labo skin care... (maybe because i bought whitening skin care ) ...

aku guna skincare tu sampai la my face changes. macam lebih glowing gitu... (but actually hada labo is the best)

so,, aku nak g kenduri,, so, aku g singgah umah member jap... rasanya tu umah ain... singgah umah dia jap... pastu bila nak bertolak nk g kenduri... ada orang bagtau aku yg AB datang, cari aku... aku pon watdehek... aku gelabah gitu... ain tanya aku apahal gabra.. bukan kau suka dia ke???

memang la  aku suka tapi aku nebes... so,, aku taknak jumpa dia lagi... then aku ajak ain blah cepat2 ke kenduri ... tinggal AB... bila sampai kat kenduri ada geng2 aku tengah tunggu... kitorang pilih  tempat duduk paling jauh dan dalam.

pastu aku nampak AB sampai... aku buat derk jerk walaupun dia approach aku... pastu dia cuba panggil aku... tapi aku ignore jer... sampai la dia give up.

petang tu,,, aku pon blah dari kenduri... nak balik laaa.... otw balik tu.... AB kejar aku... dia cakap somthing that i really cant remember.... oh gosh... and he gave me somethg... he gave me a full set of hada labo... he said something again and smiled and left me with thousands questions....

wow... actually this can be comeback.... cuz ive never dremt about him so frequent....

im gonna miss him cuz this year i will leave perak forever??? my family going to move into kelantan.... that is so annoying and something that i really oppose.... ill let u know later.... how the hell this things affect my family...my families bonding.... its all matters to what we called as selfish!!!!


Monday 12 November 2018

Mimpi #052

Hari ni  aku mimpi... Mcm trip time sekolah laaa... Tp  semua dah besar panjang.

Maybe reunion sekolah buat trip ke lumut and pangkor...

Aku duduk ngn nabilah... Dalam bas... Depan aku ada sepasang kapel... Aku rasa tu ajil and girlfriend dia...

Pastu masa aku dok berbual ngan nabilah sepanjang trip tu... Ajil asyik pandang2 je.....

Sampai kat rnr... Kitorang mandi bersihkan diri... Aku xtau nape aku orang yg last boleh mandi... Hahahha

Time aku tgh mandi... Bilik air kosong.... Somehow... Ada sorang laki masuk ... Seriau kot... Rupanya aj... Dia boleh Tanya... Kau ke tu wan... Aku senyap je... Dia cakap lagi... Wei wan... Aku nk ckp something... Aku harap kau dengar...

Kau gila... Aku nk buat derk je bila laki dlm toilet ngan kau.... Nasib dh habis mandi... Pakai baju cepat2 pastu pecut keluar dengan rasa marah bengang malu...

Sampai dalam bas.... Aku terpandang muka dia... Tapi aku cepat2 alih... Rasa marah tak hilang.

Akhirnya sampai kat hotel... Aku ngan nabilah dpt bilik sama.. So kitorang ingat nk kluar dinner... So. Aku dh siap awal.. Aku tunggu luar bilik... Tetiba A datang. Dia berdiri depan aku pastu dia diam... Aku rasa x selesa bila dia pandang cm tu... So... Aku nk masuk bilik...

Belum sempat aku nk masuk bilik... A tarik aku ke hujung koridor... Dia pegang tangan aku kemas... Dia kata ... Kenapa lari... Aku dah lama suka kau... Kau tak nampak ke...

Aku senyap je.... Sampai la aku dengar nabilah panggil nama aku.. Aku cuba nak lepaskan tangan Dari dia.. Dia tak bagi.. Aku Cuba lagi... Pastu dia kata... Dia takkan lepaskan aku... Tapi aku rentap kuat2.. Then aku lari...

Esoknya sampai kat jeti... Aku and the geng pergi survey kedai cari souvenirs... Pastu A muncul... Aku Cuba utk ignore dia... Tapi tak sangka dia berani tarik tangan aku depan girlfriend dia... Dia kata dia nak jawapan... Aku geleng...

Then tetiba ketua trip panggil semua budak... Dia panggil nama orang then naik sampan or boat gitu...

Taktau mcm mana aku boleh pair ngan dia sedangkan dia ada makwe...

Aku Cuba utk pergi tukar orang.... Tp ketua tu kata tak boleh...

Sampai satu resort ni... Diorang buat party.. So.. Xtau la ada sorang laki ni.. Approach aku... Dia confessed... Tetiba datang A.. Kata nope she's mine... Aku plak yg terkejut... Aku deny apa yg dia ckp... Then dia cm marah...

Pastu x ingat dah...

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Dream #051

I should have change this blog's name into dream blog....

Curious why did I dreamt a lot and somehow those dreams kinda cheesy ...

Okay this one about abrar... One of my neighbours ... My childhood crush...

In my dream.. My family went to his house having an open house.. And my brother asked him what to wear tomorrow as there will be a kenduri ... I was mad and others were laughing including him...

So I thought he took this as a joke... So he said... He gonna wear pink baju melayu...

As for tomorrow arrived... I was going to wear blue jubah as always... But my cousin keeps on pushing me to wear pink one....

I don't want to wear it because if he didn't wear pink one.... Its seems that I am the only one who is desperate...

But I just wear pink and hopefully he will wear the same...

Once at the kenduri... Its seems like everyone were waiting for him... Looking for what kind of colour he gonna wear...

Suddenly he appeared and OMG... He wore a pink one ... As I looked at him... He smiled widely... Goshhh I'm blushing... Somehow everyone at the kenduri were applauded and we became a couple???? At someone's kenduri which is supposed to be kenduri kawin orang....

The heckkkkkkk

Dream #050

About dream...

I was in the airplane with my mom. Then somehow I met some girls might be cousin or whatever... So my mom did invited them to the hotel where we stayed.

After arrival.. I looked around the room we rent and that was so amazing... There were 2 rooms and 1 master room... Somehow this hotel look so vintage...

And if look out of the window... You might see tropical like scene... Freshly smell of trees... All that.. Yes... Then suddenly... There were 2 men. I didn't know why they were here.. But let's move on... Somehow it seems like I kinda in love with man A... We both have something but this man B was kinda crush at me... But I'm not.... Silly me...

So.. Man B keeps on getting around me like wanting me to realise him... And yeah I ignored.

One thing ... There's one room... That have lots of craft things... Like those keychains.. Flowers... Those art and crafty things... And so on.. And in the master room... There's an ATM machine.... Wow the heck is that...

Then i went out for I don't know... But its seems that I'm having a reunion... And I was waiting for someone.... I couldn't remember it... But if I was not mistaken... He wore blue shirt... Damn he was so nice tho... He came to me andddd....

But yeah again..... I can't remember....