Sunday 17 January 2016

well aku just xtau nk buat pa dah...

Haha. Ckp pasal otomen. Haha. Hari tu aku try stalk die. Then, dpt la ic, bilik, n0. Matriks dll hahaha die sk0la sbp integrasi batu rakit terengganu. Haha dulu ada la org ckp yg die xsuka org kelantan. Tapi bukan die kelantan ke? cehhh poyo. Haha aku xtau la seems like i really like him hahaha

Yeah this is the best dream ever. Guess what. Now its ultraman turns. I do love him. In this dream it really looks like he loved me.

Dan kau plak yad....

Why did i cant forget everything about you. Why did i always think about you. Even that wasnt my intention or my true feeling. I am love you. I do. But day by day i feel like my feeling towards you just fading just because of you. You. I did not knowing your true feeling towards me. I did not know your feeling right now. Till now i curious who is that nunul. Seriously i am saying that i am jealous. Thats it. Youre great. Youre just perfect but i dont know why my feeling to you seems fading. And i believe that we are not meant to be together. You know what. Just difficult for me to accept it. But it is reality. I cant oppose fate. Just wandering why did i spent whole my heart to you. And now i am going to take it back. But my heart is full with scars. Stupid memory between us. Seriously i am regret it. I totally regret for what had happened within 2 months. Just hurt. Really hurt.

kau dah hilang. susah nk cari balik. pengganti xde

Ingat lg x wan. Masa kau mula2 masok plkn. Apa niat kau? kau nak blajar psl agama. Kau nk lebih mendalami agama. Kau xnk wat perkara lagha. Dan time tu kau jumpa seseorg. Ingat lg pesan ustaz, kau dkt dgn allah. Allah tolong kau cari yg terbaik utk kau. See what happened. Kau dh jumpa wan tp lepas tu kau alpa balik. Kau mula jauh dari allah. Kau leka. And allah tarik balik. And u can n0t see him again. U deserves that wan. Kau hilang die. First time taaruf. Kau xnmpk die sbb kau xminat. Tapi kau perasan x yg die tgk kau. Yeah kau lepas. Kalau kau still ngn attitude kau. Maybe those thing cant happened. Sedar wan.

bahana zina mata.. jangan pandang remeh

Even that time aku tertentang mata ngan kau. Aku rasa malu. Seriously. Youre good. I really want to know you better. But it seems like impossible just like yad and me. I do realized that dream was the best dream. Totally sweet. I like you and you also like me. And it looks like we are meant to be together. isnt sweet. haha. I hope this is real. Because i already admitted that i totally fall in love with you. Seriously. And one more thing that i realized these few days. You seems quiet. Why? is there anything that disturb you or it just my imagination again.