Thursday 3 November 2016

Dunia ni bukan yg macam kau impikan

Ada orang kata, Dunia ni ibarat penjara, akhirat nanti ibarat kebebasan abadi. Yaaa.. aku setuju ini ayat untuk Umat islam yg menjadi keredhaanNya Di Dunia dan mendapat balasan Di akhirat lelaki...

Apa yg nk diceritakan bukan pasal ceramah Di atas. Ianya pasal perancangan anda Di Dunia ni x sama dengan perangai Allah swt terhadap Kamu.. Dia Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik utk Kamu... Insyaallah...

Dunia ni x sebahagia yang kau impikan. sejak aku jejak kaki ke tanah ukm cheras ni. banyak yg aku alami tapi masa tidak mempersetujui untuk ku meluahkan kat sini. xpayah poyo sgt ayat kau. di sini banyak yg akan kau rasa dan akan kau ceburi. alhamdulillah module 1 exam telah lepas and harini 3 november telah kuar result. alhamdulillah lulus dpt c+ dlm module cellular biochemistry... aku mmg agak dapat rendah coz aku byk membuta... hahaha skip that nonsense later ill described it. i wanna talk about this man. his personality really perfect! his handsome, kind, clever, pious, love to smile. and his perfect just perfect... that kind of person yg sgt perfect... you think he will look at me? naaahhhhh even a little pon tarak laaa... but somehow... i try to keep myself away from him cuz... i know ill be hurt for the how-many-time-i-frusted.. you... i cant mentioned your name because my doctor Dr Azmi knew that i have a blog. im afraid that he will read it without me noticed. hahahaha yesterday, i stayed at library just doing my exco marketing works and pbl assignment. while im focusing doing it... i realised you entered the library and went to the second floor. i just ignored you because i know you already have someone that you love... yeah i know! i know everything and everyone talking about you both. around 1 pm... you came down and you looked at me and looked at you... and thats it. i continue doing my works. ignoring your glance... im fat, hideous ugly, not so clever... its just luck that i can be here... yeah i know. i wont suits you ever.. just please remove this stupid feeling from my heart. im just to scare to fall in love after the incident in plkn... just taking precautions. 

Cuma klau Kamu benar2 mendekati Allah... Allah akan hadir kan seseorang yg dekat dengan Allah berada di samping mu... Insyaallah.