Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Apabila cite tntg kelas kerohanian... Diadakan setiap hari rabu khamis. Dimana kami sbgi pelatih, perlu brkumpul di dewan makan selepas solat maghrib. Pada awalnya, ustaz pasang video je.. Antara video nasyid yg sering dikeudarakan ialah ya hanana, keinsafan diri, isthikarah cinta dll. Disini la baru aku rasa cinta kpd nasyid. Apabila dipasang lagu ya hanana, semua wira tampak bsemangat dan aktif dan apa yg aku perasan... Apabila line zhoharo diinul muayyad.... Mereka jerit muayyad sekuat kuat nye... Pada awalnya aku xtau ape2 sbb aku x bpe kenal wira.. After a few days, then i knew the person i admired is named muayyad. They were just teased him. And then until one day, after i accidently confessed my feeling to muayyad through hairie, everything had changed.

Ustaz changed the position of chairs. Geng aku awal2 dah cop krusi... Bila aku sampai, diorg paksa aku duk tepi. Aku just duduk memandangkan aku xsuka nk berdiri lama2. Then, apabila geng wira sampai... Hairie duk depan aku. Tapi tetiba pompuan yg dpn aku ni gerak dpn lagi sbb kekosongan. Hairie pun duk dpn. So tmpt hairie tu kosong. Tetibe muayyad duduk situ. Pastu aisyh bgn nk duduk dpn. Fatin pun bgn. Aku je yg bgn lagi sbb aku xnk. Why? Sbb tepi aku yad kalau aku duk situ. Tapi diorg paksa gak. Sampai la aisyh the evil panggil nama aku. Aku bgn and duduk situ. Aku terpaksa ok! Bila time ustaz mengajar, aku just pretend that im taking a note for what he said. Hahaha until the boys asked something. Apa hukum kalau orang lelaki berlakon jadi gengster dan pondan? Untuk ini telah diceritakan dlm tajuk pilihan raya.

Lepas tu, dia rase cm malu coz everyone tengah teasing ajil ngn yad... Muayyad plak asyik tunduk je sbb malu... semua dok gelak kat ajil ngn yad .... hahaa then... xtahan sangat... dia bangun... lari dok belakang ... hahaha then... Ustaz jawap laaaa... haram... sbb menyerupai wanita ... hahahaa... then. Next question being asked by yad ... he ask about solat ... what happened if the imam died when rukuk... how does the makmum to take over the solat ... well good question. After that I looked at his face.... reddish. Maybe because too much laughing and embarrassed.  Perhaps .... hahaaaa 

After the next day, he sat at the back and that time... for the first time I'm not looking for him... suddenly Ustaz came and played the video of ya hanana ... oh god... again????? Hahhh and as always my friends kept teasing me... when the word muayyad they laughed and said it loudly.... same goes to muayyad... until... aisyah turned back to see what happened ... she said to me,,, "wan, u should turned back too... they all looking at u... especially yad.... im not joking... they are looking at you and yad... hahahaha". Then, I tried looked backward and yeah.... they are looking at me... yad too... Ustaz replayed the videos for 5 times...

dan ini la masa yang diorang teasing aku habis habisan..... aku dari awal duk tunduk....
dada aku berdebar non stop... yang budak wira charlie x habis habis ngan jeritan MUAYYAD dia tu...
sampai muka aku dh merah cm nak meletup....

walaupun ini kenangan best.... tapi aku x suka laaa.... macam aku ni yang gatal.... hahahaha

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